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Our sense of sound evokes the most visceral of reactions.
From the first sounds of our heartbeats denoting life to being the last of our senses to leave this world as we depart, it is our deepest connection to our inner core.
During ovel, the period of mourning for family members, Jews are not allowed to listen to music. Those very notes evoke overwhelming feelings of which we were unaware to connections with which we are out of touch - humbling feelings from the deepest of our sorrow, love and awe.
Thus, we are commanded to HEAR the shofar on Rosh Hashana, and it is a most powerful tool, capable of reaching our souls and arousing them from their slumber, perhaps in shame to resolution, in a striving for Tshuva, return to Torah, and a yearning to be closer to Hashem achieving exaltation and ecstasy.
It will ultimately be the sound of the Shofar that we hear, heralding Moshiach, the Messiah,
"May it be in our days, soon."