Mitzvah Kotel Images
To Love and Fear G-d with all your heart and all your soul is. perhaps one of the most challenging of the commandments to understand.
One asks, “Can G-d command me to love Him?”
"Perhaps I can fear the consequences of not obeying Him.”
"Or perhaps I am so connected with His Creations that I am in Awe of Him.”
When the Jews received the Torah on Har Sinai, they said, "נעשה ונשמע", "We will do and we will listen." Prayer leads to the deepest place of meditation where we experience the fear that leads to the love of ה״, and through carrying out His mitzvot both fear and love continue to grow.
Throughout history there have been volumes written and more unwritten but deeply contemplated, regarding the physical and cognizant and the inner meditative and exalted levels of human strivings to achieve the highest levels of love and awe of the Almighty G-d. It is ultimately through the living and experiencing that each person comes to the knowledge, wisdom, understanding and innermost connection to his or her Neshama, Spirit.