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לאכל מצה Eat Matzah on Passover
לאכל מצה Eat Matzah on Passover

We are commanded to clear away chametz, leavened food, on the fourteenth of Nissan, to eat מצה, matzah, unleavened bread on the first night of Passover, and ולםפר ביציאת מצרים, to tell about the exodus from Egypt on the night of fifteenth of Nissan - the story of freedom from slavery.

During what is The Seder, the order, of the telling of the exodus from Egypt, we break one of 3 matzahs, hiding the larger piece which is then eaten for dessert at the end of the Passover meal. It is one of the most profound images of "Z-man Chay-ru-say-nu," our holiday commemorating our freedom and the yearly belief that, "Next Year We Will Celebrate in Jerusalem" with the coming of Moshiach, the Messiah.