Mitzvah Kotel Images
We learn that each mitzvah in the Torah is of equal importance and we must perform each wholeheartedly because we do not know which carries more weight or reward. Of the 613 mitzvot there are 77 positive ones which can be performed nowadays, until the building of the 3rd Beis Hamikdash, בית המקדש השלישי.
The mitzvah of ציצית however, is symbolic of all the other mitzvot combined. We learn that the reason for the commandment of Tzitzit is that you should look at them and remember ALL of G-d's commandments.
And indeed, the Mitzvah of Tzitzit alludes to and is equal to all 613 commandments in its Gematria (numerical value of the Hebrew letters)
Tzitzit = 600
+ 5 knots
+ 8 strings