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לזכור מעשה לנו עמלק Remember What Amalek Did To Us
לזכור מעשה לנו עמלק Remember What Amalek Did To Us

We are commanded לזכור מעשה לנו עמלק, remember what Amalek did to us, and להכרית זרעו של עמלק, cut off the seed of Amalek, wipe out the descendents of Amalek who attacked the weak, frail and elderly of the nation of Israel from behind, as we traveled through the desert.

We no longer know who is Amalek. The most barbaric example of such cruelty was experienced in The Holocaust. One may experience doubt as to Hashem watching over during these times of extreme challenge. Doubt in Hebrew is safek, whose Gematria, numerology, equals 240 which also equals the Gematria of Amalek.

The image is of a Holocaust Survivor whose tatoo reads safek/240.
Amalek wants to put us in doubt, thus weaken us.